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Costi Mocanu - from General Manager Pro TV to Senior Vice-President Head of Voyo



After being Pro TV's General Manager for the last 3 years, Costi Mocanu was appointed recently Senior Vice-President Head of Voyo. The position as General Manager Pro TV SA was taken over by Anca Budinschi.

Mocanu will coordinate Voyo as paid content distribution platform at CME's level. Voyo will be part of Broadcasting division in the new CME distribution platform, reason why Voyo's team was reorganized to match its priorities and importance.

Costi Mocanu works for Pro TV for 19 years and started his career as a journalist. He became General Manager 3 years ago.

The new General Manager Pro TV SA, Anca Budinschi also works for Pro TV for 19 years, from which 10 in news and 9 in business side. As Head of Television, she was involved, in the last few years, in all important decisions.

Translation provided by AdHugger

Autor: Petrişor Obae

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