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Mircea Badea and “In gura presei”: Over Euro 13M in 9 years of show. How his audiences and cash flow evolved over the time?


mircea badeaIn gura presei”, show hosted by Mircea Badea, is one of the most efficient TV programs, according to an analysis on commercial ads cash in. In 9 years of program (on September 13th), the show attracted advertising worth in total over Euro 13M, according to’s estimates.


2012 – the best year: Euro 2.3M

Show’s ad cash flow was proportional with the audience of the program hosted by Mircea Badea. In 2004, after 3 months on Antena 1, commercial incomes, same as the rating, were at the beginning: Euro 100,000.

A year later, Antena 3 is launched and Badea’s show is broadcasted also on new Intact’s channel. For now, the interest for advertiser remains low: Euro 80,000 for the entire 2005.
After little money during its first 2 years of broadcasting, the advertising exploded and, in 2007, it reached to Euro 1M.

The serious increase of ad income (and not only) came after 2008: the average cash flow went over Euro 1.5M a year, reaching to Euro 2M in 2009.

The top was achieved last year: around Euro 2.3M for the show, cumulated on Antena 1 and Antena 3.

In total, exactly at 9 years since “In gura presei” started, Mircea Badea generated for Intact Euro 13.2M advertising revenues, according to’s estimates.

Most money came from midnight runs of the show, on Antena 3 – over Euro 8M, while the morning re-runs on Antena 1 had ads reaching to a total value of Euro 5M in the 9 years since the show is broadcasted.

More details on Mircea Badea’s show audiences and ad revenues are available here

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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