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PROJECT: Moldova1 TV from Chisinau, mandatory for Romanian cable providers. We give in exchange TVR


tvrThe public TV from Chisinau could become mandatory for Romanian cable operators if an agreement in this sense will be signed by Romanian and Moldavian governments. In exchange, TVR will be again available in Moldavia.


The agreement, remitted to CNA as a memorandum from Foreign Affairs Ministry, was approved by the Council

”Signing the agreement must be done (...) considering the need to solve as fast all the problems related to receiving SRTv programs in Moldavia and of the discussions related to an amiable agreement to end the litigation sent to CEDO (SRTv cause against Moldavia”, the document sent to CNA shows.

“Republic of Moldavia advanced the proposal of the redistribution by Romanian cable operators of the public TV Moldova1, as a form to block some operators’ pretentions, that would invoke the precedent of SRTv’c come back in Moldavia”, the same document adds.

The agreement guarantees, in its art.2, the freedom of reception and retransmission on the territory of the 2 states for the program services of public broadcasters, no matter the way of transmission or retransmission, without imposing any pre-requisite condition, license or authorization

Art.3 includes the main demand of the agreement: “As a reciprocity mechanism, Romanian and Moldavian governments insure that distributors that handle the retransmission through electronic communication networks include, for free, in their offers the public broadcasters program services, as they are notified to the regulatory authorities in the audiovisual field from Romania and Moldavia”

The agreement will be valid for 10 years.

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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