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Who will choose the next TV audience measurement company?


Peoplemeter KantarRomanian audiovisual prepares to elect the future TV audience measurement company, after December 31st 2015, and a Paritary Commission was formed to analyze the offers from those that entered the auction.


In present, Romanian TV audience is measured by Kantar Media, that provides the data to ARMA (Romanian Association for Audience Measurement). Kantar’s contract lasts until December 31st 2015.

According to the Audiovisual Law, the Paritary Commission includes 5 representatives of CNA, five from advertising agencies and five from TVs. Within the commission are represented the main TV stations and advertising agencies.

The members of the commission are as follows:

  • CNA: Laura Georgescu (CNA’s president), Viorel Vasile Buda, Monica Gubernat, Rasvan Popescu and Florin Gabrea
  • TV stations: Lucia Antal (Pro TV), Anca Gheorghe (TVR), Iosif Kalauz (Kanal D), Mihaela Dumitru (Prima TV) and Cristina Morar (Antena 1)
  • Advertising agencies: Liviu Boitan (MediaCom & president Technical Committee ARMA), Maria Tudor (Zenith), Nora Marcovici (Grafitti/BBDO), Nicu Laita (OMD) and Alexandra Olteanu (Initiative)
  • The selection process will be followed by more observers, that don’t have a voting right. They are: Anca Stroe (Danone), Dana Bursuc (Cosmote), Giulia Burlui, Solange Albu (Romania TV) and Rares Anita (B1 TV)

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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