![Sursa foto: Mediafax](http://i0.1616.ro/media/601/3161/38639/19534001/1/laura-georgescu.jpg)
After the appearance of recording in which Laura Georgescu was talking aggressive to 11 pupils at Altfel School program, CNA president said, for Evenimentul zilei, that everything was “a teaching effort”.
Georgescu says that expressions like “use your entire mouth to talk”, “are you brainless, kid” or “why don’t you know the answer, girl” were part of a role she was playing and that everything is a “teaching effort” in which most of CNA members ot involved.
Moreover, Georgescu attacks her CNA colleague Narcisa Iorga, accusing her that she draw the recordings out of context, an action that “is part of something I consider to be a destabilization and discredibilisation campaign against CNA, which is ran for 15 months by 2 CNA members”.
Georgescu’s affirmation come after the president of Culture Committee in Deputy Chamber, Gigel Ştirbu, announced he will demand CNA president to present reasons why she spoke aggressively with pupils aged 9 and 10 from Altfel School program.
The recordings were published by Narcisa Iorga, CNA member, on her despreaudiovizual.ro personal blog.
Translation provided by AdHugger
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