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Champions of CNA fines in 2014: Antena 1 and Antena 3. B1 ranks 3rd. Acces Direct, Sinteza zilei, Badea and Banciu – in top

2014_03_18_cna-viorel vasile buda si laura georgescu 2_rsz
2014_03_18_cna-viorel vasile buda si laura georgescu 2_rsz

Sursa foto: Epochtimes
Sursa foto: Epochtimes


CNA applied in S1 2014 total fines worth close to RON 1.7M (Euro 390.000) to national and local TVs, radio or cable companies.

The fines champion was Intact Group, with Antena 1 and Antena 3 having among most sanctions and the biggest amounts to pay.

Antena 3 was sanctioned 9 times, 1 summon and 8 fines worth in total Euro 47.000. The sanctions generally targeted Sinteza zilei and În gura presei shows, but also the news programs.

The highest fine this year was also Antena 3’s, RON 50.000 for denigrating Andreea Pora. The channel was fined RON 20,000 for attacking ANI chief Horia Georgescu and RON 30.000 for attacking Andrei Plesu.

Next in top is Antena 1, with 6 sanctions (2 summons and 4 fines) worth Euro 40,000. The heavest fines were triggered by Acces Direct.

The highest sanction for Antena 1 was RON 80,000 for 16 editions of Access Direct show
B1 TV is the third most sanctioned TV with 9 sanctions worth in total Euro 34.000 de euro, while Pro TV had 2 fines totalling Euro 28,000, and Romania TV ranked 6th with total fines worth RON 75,000.

Realitatea TV had 5 fines totalling Euro 6,000 .
Many of the sanctions CNA gave this year were conteted in justice, at the Appeal Court, with some of them being cancelled or diminished.

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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