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Ongoing scandal related to CNA president continues to stir spirits. Stirbu: I warned the prime minister related to Georgescu’s conduit


CNAAfter Laura Georgescu, CNA president, was called in front of Deputy Chamber’s Culture Committee to explain recordings in which she was speaking aggressively to kids, Gigel Stirbu, that leads the Committee, announced the meeting for July 2nd

He also said he warned Ponta rearding “the extremely conflictual conduit” of CNA’s president.

At his turn, Georgica Severin, that leads the Senate’s Culture Committee, stated that he demanded Georgescu’s resignation “but not because she demeaned me, but because she stated a TV station is protected.

In one of the recordings that were published and in which Georgescu is a star, she uses a very rude language to describe different people and call names for Sebastian Ghita and Georgica Sevrin.

Georgescu’s resignation was also demanded by Vasile Blaga, PDL leader, that stated, in relation with the recordings that kept being make public, that if Georgescu “is a lady, I am a catholic cardinal” and added that CNA president seems to have problems when it comes of handling herself.

Blaga made the statement as he was asked by Realitatea TV to comment the situation from CNA.

He said that PDL’s representatives at CNA boicoted the meetings and started gathering signature to remove the president.
Sorin Rosca Stanescu, PNL senator and member of Media& Culture Committee in Senate, also made an insistent call for Laura Georgescu to resin, as a sign of respect for CNA and to avoid a blockage at CNA during an electoral year. Rosca Stanescu also noticed that CNA’s reputation was seriously damaged by the scandal.

CNA members: “Laura Georgescu, just quit”. Online petition for her resignation
CNA members Narcisa Iorga and Valentin Jucan both demand CNA’s president leave, as they also wrote on their personal Facebook pages.
On the other hand, the resignation of Georgescu is also demanded by an online petition, with the first to sign it being Rares Bogdan (Producer Realitatea TV) and Alexandru Raducanu, which saw its 2 demands to get a licence for a business station being rejected. The online petition was signed, by July 4th, by over 3,000 people in just 2 days.

Considering the scandal around CNA, ActiveWatch appreciated that Laurei Georgescu needs to suspend herself from the position of CNA president until the authenticity of the recordings published in press is confirmed.

On the other hand, considering the situation, PNL and PSD consider that Georgescu needs to quit, as she isn’t suited anymore to keep CNA’s reins.

With so many demands for Georgescu’s removal from CNA’s presidency, the solution could be an emergency ordinance signed by the prime minister that would modify audiovisual law and fire CNA president.

General Prosecutor doesn’t act as it considers the recordings „not serious”, Ponta didn’t listen to them because they aren’t from „a credible source”.

Romania’s General Prosecutor decline to start investigating the recordings with CNA’s president made public in Romanian press as they „aren’t serious” and „don’t meet the procedural conditions for launching an investigation”.

After CNA scandal, Romanian prime minister Victor Ponta said, in an interview for Evenimentul zilei, that he didn’t listen the recordings with Georgescu because “they don’t come from a credible source” and CNA shouldn’t loose its immunity in front of the Parliament.

“I won’t adopt an Emergency Ordinance regarding CNA from the following reasons: EOs aren’t adopted during Parliamentary holidays or for changing the structure of an institution. I am criticized for Emergency Ordinances although I was proud I had the smallest number per semester from 2000 until now, but I think, if there’s a problem, we will support Stirbu’s initiative to modify the law (…)”, Ponta said.

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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