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Tabloids remain the most read newspapers. Evenimentul zilei and ZF – among the few publications that increased readership


Foto: Le Figaro
Foto: Le Figaro


Tabloids continue to be Romania’s most read newspapers, although their audience is in a slight decline, same as for most printed publications.

Click! remains the most read newspaper in Romania, with 554.000 readers per edition, according to BRAT’s SNA for June 4th 2012 – May 4th 2014.

Accordin to SNA Focus, the only national dailies that won readers during the analyzed period are Evenimentul zilei (+ 4.000), Ziarul Financiar (+ 2.000) and Pro Sport (+ 21.000), as ZF’s weekly supplement.

Libertatea, a tabloid published by Ringier, is second in audience top, with 436.000 readers per edition on average.
For the analyzed period, the sports newspapers are next in most read top, with Gazeta Sporturilor hading a medium readership per edition of 324.000, followed by ProSport – 339.000.
Among quality publications, Jurnalul Naţional keeps leadership with 169.000 readers per edition, followed by Evenimentul Zilei (154.000) and Adevărul (141.000).
Most read newspapers also posted the highest decreases in readership: Click! (-33.000), Libertatea (-32.000) and Jurnalul Naţional (-18.000).

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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