Skip to main content TV, available on all cable networks previous to Bute – Grachev boxing game


The new TV is available, starting October 2nd, on all cable TV networks in Romania, as Mihai Tatulici, project’s manager, said for

The operators to broadcast the new TV stations, owned by Sorin Freciu, include UPC and RCS&RDS.

Initially, TV appears as a take over on Giga TV’s frequencies. Starting next year, Giga TV will be relaunched in a new formula, with the new TV that would replace it to be developed also by TV, managed by Mihai Tatulici.

CNA approved, on October 11th, the demand from Media Advertising & Sales (95% owned by Sorin Freciu) to modify the generalist licence that he already owned with one for news and economic TV named TV. TV, acting under the tag line “The watched of the public money”, aims to control the spending of state’s money. “The state is the biggest investor. This TV will analyze the way public money are spent, protecting the citizen from the abuses that are happening”, said Mihai Tatulici, during CNA’s session.

The entry of TV on all cable and DTH companies takes place 2 days previous to Bute – Grachev game that will be broadcasted by the TV station on Sunday starting 04.00. The game will also be broadcasted by Dolce Sport.

Translation provided by AdHugger

Autor: Petrişor Obae

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