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Press Day at TVR 2: Irina Pacurariu hosted a show debating press’ situation in Romania


Irina-Pacurariu_9353-2In Press day, Irina Pacurariu had a show in which invited Ioana Avadani, Bogdan Ficeac, Adelin Petrisor and Petrisor Obae. It debated press’ situation in Romania, which are journalists’ motivations, what effects are generated over journalistic quality by the multitude of news TVs and other aspects.


Besides the guests in the studio, other people invited to intervene into the conversation through phone are Cristian Tudor Popescu, Robert Turcescu, Victor Ciutacu, Andreea Cretulescu and CNA’s president, Laura Georgescu.

Translation provided by AdHugger

Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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