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X Factor – almost 1M viewers per minute, still under Pro TV


X-Factor got close to 1M viewers per minute, but Antena 1 was still under Pro TV in terms of audiences. Pro TV broadcasted “Batmand – The Dark Knight” for most of X Factor interval.

Nationally, XFactor was watched by 983,000 viewers, with 238.000 less than Pro TV. In urban areas, the difference between Pro TV and Antena was smaller (17.000), with Pro TV having 671,000 viewers per minute.

On the commercial target, Antena 1 ranked 2nd after Pro TV, with 377,000 viewers a minute (6.8 rtg) compared top Pro TV (435.000 viewers, 7.8 rating).

Find here more details on audience.

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Autor: Petrişor Obae


  • Prunescu Marius Prunescu Marius
    *La mai mare ;si sã aveti parte in viatã, de tot ceace vã doriti.
    -Cu multã stimã si respect!
  • Prunescu Marius Prunescu Marius
    *Sunteti minunati ;da-ti dovadã de mult profesionalism,aveti sarmul acela de lideri mondiali pe piata muncii .
    *Intr-un cuvânt este o competitie ;cu atuuri remarcante promotiei ;de noi promovãri remarcante ,de vipuri muzicale ,de succes.

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