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Narcisa Iorga accuses Christian Mititelu of incompatibility


christian-mititelu-dcnews_639x426Narcisa Iorga, CNA member, accuses Christian Mititelu of incompatibility with the position of CNA member, as he is also vice-president of Civic Alliance. Iorga made the accusation during a meeting, after Mititelu referred to the pressure CNA session was running under.


Iorga signaled Mititelu’s incompatibility in a document registered at CNA secretary and demands starting procedures to let know Romanian Parliament of the incompatibility situation and make the position vacant. Iorga says 2 of CNA’s members - Radu Călin Cristea and Christian Mititelu – are participating to shows of a TV station (Realitatea TV) as analysts although they are in conflict of interests morally, as they have the quality of CNA members.

For, Mititelu said that “incompatibilities aren’t determined by a colleague or a person, but by an agency that has the ability to do so and, in the last instance, by justice”.

Narcisa Iorga’s demand comes after National Integrity agency announced that a former CNA member, Mihai Malaimare, was in incompatibility starting December 2008 until January 2013.

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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