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CNA stopped from broadcasting 15 ads this year; many were for supplements and were deemed deceptive


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CNA forbade 15 TV commercials from the start of the year until now, most of them being stopped from broadcasting because they were either deceiving or they didn’t inform correctly the public. Most of the ads were for health supplements.

Among the ads that were forbidden by CNA are TVCs for Listerine mouth water, Rama margarine, Ivyss crème, ING products, Skoda, ColonHelp, MiracleBlade knife and ArtroStop.

From the ads stopped from broadcasting, 5 were for health supplements such as ArtroStop, ArtroStop Rapid, Urinal Akut, Zeolit and ColonHelp.

June was the month during which CNA stopped from broadcasting the biggest number of commercials (5) during 3 different meetings, followed by March and July (4 commercials stopped from broadcasting during each of those months).

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Iulia Bunea

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