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Adrian Sarbu tries to get in between Ringier and Gazeta sporturilor; he’s interested in the team. What does the “shogun” prepare?


Adrian-Sarbu-webGazeta Sporturilor + Ringier=…Sarbu? During the negotiations between Gazeta sporturilor and Ringier appears another actor: Adrian Sârbu.


From’s information, the boss of Mediafax Group (place where Sarbu moved his office after quitting Pro TV) is interested not by the newspaper (he already owns a sports title), but by a part of Gazeta sporturilor’s team.

Mediafax Group published under its umbrella ProSport, title founded by the team that’s now at GSP, leaded by Ovidiu Ioaniţtoaia and Catalin Tolontan. Moreover, Ovidiu Ioanitoaia was seen today ayt the headquarters from where Adrian Sarbu manages his business.

Sarbu’s entrance in the equation isn’t just a coincidence. On a market deeply affected by crisis, the existence of two sports titles is more and more difficult. The entrance of GSP under Ringier’s umbrella, a group oriented towards print, would consolidate the title now owned by Intact (group focused on audiovisual).

For now, as found out, the negotiations between Intact and Ringier are at a standstill and the two parties didn’t reach an agreement.

Contacted by, Ioanitoaia confirmed the meeting with Adrian Sarbu. “I was there to greet him”, Ioanitioaia said.

Ovidiu Ioaniţoaia, for

“Adrian Sarbu is a man that did a lot for me in life, helped me to make TV from nothing. And the story lasted 18 years. That is why I go sometimes to say hello and thank him”

On a collaboration with Adrian Sarbu’s group:

“The discussions on an eventual restart of a collaboration with him aren’t new, they last for some time. Nothing has changed compared to one year or two ago” .

What’s Adrian Sarbu preparing?

At Mediafax headquarters, where Adrian Sarbu moved his office, there were seen, during the last period of time, people working in TV world and producers of TV programs and formats. According to, Adrian Sarbu prepares to start a content business oriented on show formats.

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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