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Click! and Libertatea – best sold central newspapers. What are the sales for local newspapers?


click si libertateaTabloids seized the power, as Click! and Libertatea are selling together over 200,000 copies per edition, almost 3 times more than the quality publications sales, according to the most recent data published by Romanian Bureau for Transmedia Audit (BRAT).


When it comes of local press, some publications got to surpass in sales the central publications.

Click! remains in the top of the most sold newspapers, with 121,000 copies sold per edition in the 3rd quarter of 2013.

None of the generalist quality newspapers is selling more than 20.000 copies per edition; Romania libera sold 19,600 copies between July and September 2013.

In sports section, the difference between Gazeta Sporturilor and Pro Sport is significant: 30,000 copies per edition for Gazeta during the analyzed period compared to 12.600 copies for Pro Sport.

Six local newspapers sell over 10,000 copies per edition
The 24 local publications audited by BRAT sold together, on average, 150.000 copies per edition between July and September
Unirea newspaper from Alba is the most sold local newspaper, with an average of 16.200 copies per edition, higher sales than Adevarul or Jurnalul National. Jurnalul Aradean also had sales to raise envy from central newspapers: 15.150 copies per edition, while Gazeta de Sud is also in top, with 12.500 copies per edition.
More details on most sold newspapers between July and September 2013 are available here.

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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