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How did Mircea Badea loose the lawsuit with ANI’s boss? The court: the language is insulting


mircea badea“The language is, flat out, insulting, it isn’t justified by debating a public subject and doesn’t respect the limits of exaggeration and challenge allowed by CEDO”, instance’s motivation mentions. The decision is favorable to Horia Georgescu, ANI chief, according to


In December, Bucharest’s District 1 Court issued a decision that saw Georgescu winning the lawsuit and obliged Mircea Badea to pay Euro 5,000, in solidum with Antena 3, as moral damages resulted from disrespecting the right to dignity of ANI’s chief. The decision wasn’t final and could be disputed.

In more shows broadcasted in 2012, Badea said Georgescu is “ a filthy servant of Basescu”, among other things.

During the trial, Badea built his defense by invoking the freedom of speech and a series of ECHR decisions.

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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