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Over 1M commercials for food and medicines in one year. Telecom operators, most promoted brands on TV in 2013


televizorAll Romanian channels ran, in 2013, a total of over 1M commercials for pharma products and as many for food. 3rd in line is telecom category, with most promoted companies from this sector being Orange, Vodafone, Cosmote and Romtelecom.


A BPN-Pagina de media analysis shows what was the evolution of TV advertising in 2013, year during which the entire market’s value was of around Euro 200M.

Most promoted brands and categories on TV in 2013

In terms of category: Millions of commercials for food and pharma products
Adding together all the commercials broadcasted by TVs last year, the result is the pharma sector was the most promoted: almost 1.3M commercials broadcasted, namely almost 2 commercials from the sector in every minute of last year. The situation was close for food category, that had 1.1M commercials.

Top 3 for last year was completed by telecom, with 350,000 commercials. This category also has the most promoted brands on TV.

Even if telecom had less commercials than food and pharma, the audiences reached by telecom ads were consistent. An explanation is the fact that pharma and food commercials were spread between TVs with small audiences, while Telecom operators aimed for channels with big audiences.

In terms of brands: Orange, Vodafone, Cosmote and Romtelecom – most promoted brands. Dry Cooker pan, more seen than Coca Cola.

The fight on telecom sector was intense last year and that is shown by brands’ top. The top is lead by the most important telecom brands.

Last year, the most promoted brand was Orange, that gathered more audience points than Vodafone (2nd ranked), although the later had twice more commercial broadcasts (here, the results has to do with media plan’s strategy and the channels that broadcasted the commercials). Cosmote and Romtelecom are completing the top.

Right after the telecom operators were 2 retail chains that had a strong development last year – Lidl and Penny.

In the list of brands with potential of Top 20, besides McDonald’s, Coca Cola or Colgate, there is also the popular Dry Cooker pan, with more GRP points than Coca Cola, Orbit or Bergenbier.

In terms of advertisers: Procter&Gamble and Unilever – the biggest advertising clients
When it comes of advertiser, the top is lead by the top 2 FMCG companies, Procter&Gamble and Unilever. This isn’t a surprise, as each of the two has tens of different brands in portfolio. The top 20 includes companies that have multiple brands, from Reckitt Benckiser, Kraft Foods and Henkel to Studio Moderna and Lidl.

More info on advertising on TV and tables are available here.

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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