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TVR in 2013: employees’ expenses and historic debts


tvrIn 2013, TVR spent for its employees over Euro 41,4M, 2,71% less compared to 2012, according to institution’s activity report.


The amounts spend on the employees represent 34,60% from TVR’s total expenses, which amounted last year to Euro 120M.

From the expenses for employed personnel, the expenses with fired employees during restructuring process were of Euro 4,7M, namely 11,36% from the total salary expenses of Euro 41.4M. An increase in expenses was visible in second part of year when it came of collaborators: RON 4.91M in S2 compared to RON 2.37M in S1.

According to the report, the total personnel expenses made last year by TVR amounted to Euro 913M.

In 2013, 619 employees were fired, the number of employees going down from 3149 to 2535.

Historic debts

TVR managed to post profit after more years during its financial reports showed deficit. Last year, TVR had Euro 717,000 profit. Still, Romanian state TV continues to have historic debts in a total amount of Euro 178M. TVR’s net turnover was, last year, of Euro 119M .
TVR in 2013: Euro 4.7M from advertising and 15 times more from radio-TV tax.

TVR attracted in 2013 advertising valued at over Euro 4.7M, down 19,47% compared to 2012, with state TV’s main source of income being represented by radio-TV tax, that brought TVR last year Euro 71.5M.

The money gathered from radio-TV tax is 15 times more than the ad revenues and represent 59.02% from TVR’s total revenues.

Translation provided by AdHugger

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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