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Ponta and Basescu – live confruntation on România TV and B1. The prime minister - 100.000 viewers over the president


Sursa: România liberă
Sursa: România liberă


România TV and B1 duelled last night in guests: Victor Ponta, respectively Traian Băsescu. In the TV game between the 2 stations, the winner was România TV, which had in its studio the Romanian prime minister. România TV had a little over half million viewers for Ponta’s interview.

On the same interval, 21.00 – 22.23, B1 TV, where Romanian president was guest, had 413.000 viewers.

In the general audience top, România TV ranked 5th, at national and urban level, with the interview made by Victor Ciutacu.

In the same time, B1 TV, with Traian Băsescu guest in Sorina Matei’s show, ranked 8th at national level and 7th in urban areas.

More audience data is available here.

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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